Signature Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
Signature Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
Available for COLLECTION ONLY February 13th & 14th.
The dozen red rose bouquet is a stunning floral arrangement that exudes elegance and romance. Presented in our branded bouquet box, it features twelve vibrant red roses carefully handpicked and expertly arranged to convey a deep and passionate love. Each rose is in full bloom, showcasing its velvety petals and captivating fragrance. It is beautifully wrapped and presented in our branded bouquet bag. This bouquet is a classic symbol of love and affection. It is sure to leave a lasting impression and make any recipient feel cherished and adored.
Flowers Cork City
Located in the historic Winthrop Arcade, right in the heart of Cork City, The Best Of Buds invites you to experience our warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our friendly staff are here to guide you through our exquisite selection of luxury flowers and unique interior pieces, ensuring that every visit is as delightful as it is inspiring.
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