Florist Choice
Florist Choice
Let our talented Florists craft an unforgettable bouquet for you with the finest stems of the day and season. A host of bright and bold blooms or indeed the luxury of a soft and pastel creation. Let it to us - we will not disappoint with a selection of beautiful flowers from our Daily Delivery.
Flowers Cork City
Located in the historic Winthrop Arcade, right in the heart of Cork City, The Best Of Buds invites you to experience our warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our friendly staff are here to guide you through our exquisite selection of luxury flowers and unique interior pieces, ensuring that every visit is as delightful as it is inspiring.
*For delivery to areas outside of Cork City & Suburbs, please contact the store on 021 4274 783
*For same day delivery, please order before 1pm
*No Delivery Sunday or Bank Holidays